Frequently asked questions

  • Eligibility?
    Only Master Masons with a full motorcycle licence who own a road legal machines able to hold its place in a ride, on all grades of roads, whilst complying with speed limits, are eligible to join the Widows Sons, Classic motorcycles are more than welcome.
  • Newly made Masons or Non-Masons, or partners of Widows Sons may join our Association "Pear Drops", and if they become Master Masons, they can then transfer their membership to the Widows Sons.
  • Subscriptions
    Once becoming a fully patched member, annual subscriptions will be requested on or about the 1
    st April and should be paid within a month. Members who do not pay their subscriptions may be excluded. The current Annual Subscription is £20. The subscription costs for a Pear drop membership is a one off fee of £20.
  • New Members Process
    The way applications for membership works are as follows:
  • If a Brother who is a Master Mason shows an interest in the Widows Sons, he is asked to fill in the application form and send it to the Membership Officer. The Brother may be 'proved' by the Membership Officer requesting a copy of his Grand Lodge Certificate and a recent summons from his lodge. (Unless known by a Brother who is already a member who then could act as his Proposer). The Membership Officer will approach the applicants Lodge Secretary to confirm they are a Master Mason of the Lodge and of good standing. Should the applicant wish to take up membership, the application fee then becomes payable. The WS Patch will ONLY be made available after the applicant has taken part in three Worcestershire events, or at the president’s discretion.
  • Patch Question
    Per our Bylaws, Widows Sons MBA Back Patches are NOT to be worn as it implies involvement with other Club protocols, and if not followed could lead to confrontation which would bring the Widows Sons and Freemasonry into disrepute. Most Brothers may wish to wear a front patch and the guidance of patch placement can be obtained from the Secretary. These patches belong to the Association and should be returned if membership lapses.
  • Association membership
    The “Pear Drops”, (Three black pears being a symbol of Worcestershire), is the social support group of the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association, Worcestershire Chapter (WSMBA-WC) and membership is open to family, friends, Freemasons and riding buddies of all ages, male and female, who have been proposed and seconded by two fully paid up members of the WSMBA-WC. If invited to attend official branch meetings this will be in a social capacity only and with no voting rights. All policy decisions will be the responsibility of the committee members. Ideas and suggestions will be invited from the Pear Drops but will not be binding on the WSMBA-WC. The cost of Pear Drops membership is a one off payment of £20.00 valid for life and will include a patch as a receipt. Should a fully paid up member of the Pear Drops be eligible to join the WSMBA-WC, the initial joining fee will be deemed to have already been paid on surrendering the Pear Drops patch back to the WSMBA-WC. The patch is always the property of the WSMBA-WC.
  • Officers of Worcestershire Chapter
    The Officers are elected for a maximum term of office of 3 years. 

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